Want to be sponsored by FIVE BIKE?
Vous êtes un pilote talentueux, charismatique et médiatique (ou en passe de le devenir), vous êtes persuadés que les gants FIVE vous apporteront ce petit supplément de confiance et de confort indispensable à votre réussite ?
Are you (or is it your dream to be) a talented, charismatic and media-friendly rider? Do you think FIVE gloves can bring you that extra little bit of confidence and comfort which could prove vital to your success?
Then send us (by e-mail or post) your pressbook accompanied by a coversheet with full contact details, personal information (age, height, weight, palmarès, category, aims) and a letter explaining how you think you can contribute to the standing of the FIVE brand. We cannot reply to all requests. If, in spite of your potential, you don’t get the response you were looking for, don’t throw in the towel! Patience and perseverance are excellent qualities for someone looking to develop in sport. Keep believing in yourself and keep coming back to us, time and time again. The day will come when you’ll be part of the FIVE team, like many other great riders before you.
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